Privacy Policy

Informació sobre protecció de dades

Social denomination

Postal address: Av. Dulce de Provence, 22 Torrelles de Llobregat
Phone: +34 935 170 033


Why do we use the data?

Your personal data will be used exclusively for the provision, follow-up and billing of the services ordered.

Likewise, your contact details may be used to inform you of our company’s activities.

How long do we keep the data?

All the documentation related to your purchase, together with your personal data, will be kept by the company in order to deal with possible responsibilities, according to the terms established in the regulations in force at any given time.

If you send us your CV, we will keep it for a period of one year, after which we will destroy it.


The treatment of your data is based on the fulfillment of the contract for the services ordered and, in the case of commercial uses, on your consent. You can always revoke consent for the commercial use of your data.


Transfers of data to third parties

Your data will not be communicated to third parties without your legal consent unless there is a legal obligation that covers this transfer of data.


You have the right to:

  • Access your personal data.
  • Rectify personal data.
  • Delete personal data.
  • Submit a complaint or written statement for the protection of your rights before the Spanish Data Protection Agency or before the autonomous data protection agency, if it exists.
  • Be informed of any security incident that may affect your rights.